Brief One: What am I learning from looking at how 1960s editorial was created?
What am I learning from looking at how a 1960s editorial was created?
The main reason I chose to learn how it was created was so I could replicate the style of the design. Due to the way that it was done with analogue techniques it has a unique finish as it would be difficult to perfect, this means that it would be very difficult to replicate digitally as it just wouldn't appear authentic due to the printing methods; it has a quality to it.
In terms of letterpress, as all the letters are set by hand it obviously takes a lot longer than when you type it on the computer, this means that you can appreciate the type more and see exactly how it should be played out, there is a craft to it. Also when you set type on a computer I think you take the different settings for granted and may be more likely to just leave them on manual, for example leading, with letterpress you have to manually put pieces of lead in-between the lines to create the line spacing, by doing this it educates you on what all the elements of really mean.
The main elements of doing design analogue which I like is the randomness and uniqueness of it as it prints differently every time and makes you appreciate the work thats gone behind it. When you do things by hand or look at work from the past which has been done manually you feel as if there is a story behind it and it makes it seem more human rather than something that can be produced quickly on a computer.
When you look back at analogue design it allows you to appreciate how far design has come over the years, but it also teaches you that design can be something more than just what you can do digitally, by knowing how design was done in the past it makes you more open minded and allows more possibilities. Due to the uniqueness of analogue design it means that you are able to produce work which is individual to the designer and means that not all design looks the same when printed.
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