Design Manchester '19: DM19 Conference

DM19 Conference

We listened to talks by a few different creatives at the DM19 Conference but the most notable and inspiriting was Pauls Scher's. A lot of her work I had already seen and loved but the part that I was most interested by was when she was talking about instillations where she had been asked to apply her design and art work to buildings as this is an area I hadn't ever thought about so this would be an area I would definitely like to look into more when doing design briefs. I had already seen her work for the Public Theatre and heard her talk a little bit about it in the Abstract documentary, however, a part I hadn't heard her speak about before was how her branding hadn't worked for many years and then suddenly she found a solution, but the fact that it took years to finally perfect it inspires me as I always imagine that everything she ever creates works so it was nice to hear that she does sometimes fail or somethings she makes aren't successful.


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