Type Talks: Rod Judkins
This task was about thinking of ideas quickly so you don't get too invested in research and you just use your sudden creativity. The task was what you would put on the cover of your autobiography so you had to think of something that related to you.
This task was about using things you like to create something. So we had to choose three objects we liked the look of and use them to design a cheese grater. This task was inspired by the lemon squeezer on the left where the designer used inspiration from sci-fi illustrations.
This task was about improving on something that already exists to make it original. So Cubism came from people gradually changing Cezannes work until it became the Cubist movement. So we had to add something to the donkey, which is a very basic mode of transport, to make it a better mode of transport.
These were some notes which I made on the idea of using criticism to improve, he spoke about the way that Roy Litchenstein changed his practice overnight due to criticism he got.
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