Google & HMCT: Photoshoot Ideas

Photoshoot Ideas

I wanted to use photography in my campaign to either highlight the artist or the issue as I think that that would suit my style more than just using typography, I also think it will work well in the campaign. One of the ideas I had was to use photographs of the artist whose lyrics I use to make it relate to the songs or lyrics more, this idea was inspired by the Lend Me Your Ear exhibition which uses very expressive type over the top of photographs of the artist. However, I thought this wouldn't be the best idea due to copyright and it would restrict the choice of lyrics.

So instead I decided to collaborate with a photographer to do a photoshoot inspired by male suicide, so our idea was to take photographs of a male in different situations where they may be contemplating suicide or showing self harm. I brainstormed some different photograph ideas which may work well for the campaign my initial ideas were:
  • The model standing on a piece of land parallel with a train track with a train going past
  • The model standing on a bridge looking over at the traffic below
  • The model standing on the top of a high building in Birmingham looking down
  • Some tablets on the side in the bathroom with water on them
  • A bag and maybe some other belongings on the top of high building
  • The model standing in the bathroom with a bag over their head as if they are trying to suffocate
However, after visiting the locations which we thought might work well for the photoshoot we changed some of the initial ideas and came up with some new ones. The new ideas which I am going to take forward are:

  • The model lying on the empty railway tracks
  • The model standing on a bridge looking over at the traffic below
  • A bag and maybe other belongings on the rock next to the same bridge
  • The model standing on the empty train tracks and looking up at the bridge above where the train is coming past
  • The model is standing on the opposite side of the canal looking at the train which driving past them
  • Some tablets on the side in the bathroom with water on them. The tablets we are going to use is dissolvable paracetamol as it should give us a good effect as they should slightly fizz a little bit.
  • The model standing in the bathroom with a bag over their head as if they are trying to suffocate.


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